Re: Helping on reducing evolution memory usage

On 12/14/05, Federico Mena Quintero <federico ximian com> wrote:

> Note, the glib head has no way of disabling pools.  Before the
> most recen tthings, one could use --disable-mem-pools and be
> happy.

Indeed.  And now, the documentation for --disable-mem-pools is
incorrect, since it does nothing now.

This is all easy to fix, of course, and we need to do it before the
final 2.10.

One thing I absolutely loathe, though, is to have to *recompile glib*
just to be able to run valgrind on GNOME programs.  I'd really prefer to
set G_DEBUG=gc-friendly and just run my software with that.

To avoid calling getenv() all over the place, I'd like to have a private
g_ensure_debug() macro and possibly others to access a global
_g_enable_gc_friendly variable.  This would ensure that we have called
gmessages.c:_g_debug_init(), so that the debug variables are set.


You want to check out  g_slice_set_config(), which allows you to turn off various
aspects of the slice allocator. I believe timj also has plans for making this runtime-configurable
with an env var.


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