Re: Pthread detection in glib 2.2.1

On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 13:46, Daniel Egger wrote:
> Am Mon, 2003-03-10 um 15.54 schrieb Sebastian Wilhelmi:
> > All this is nowadays solved with 
> > AC_TRY_RUN (bla, bla, bla, AC_LINK_IF_ELSE (bla, bla, bla)) 
> > thanks to Owen, so it shouldn't be a problem.
> I'm not quite sure why this would prevent the basic problem that
> that a crosscompiling environment cannot run executables. The only
> measure which helps here is using existing executables to figure
> out how the destination environment would behave.
> For instance instead of trying to use the compiler to compile and
> execute some binary to find out about all necessary threading switches
> it would be cool to get the same experience by simply feeding stuff 
> into the compiler until it says: "Ok guy, this way is fine by me".

Cross compilation is virtually always with
GCC, and frequently to a relatively sane (if limited) target.

So, for cross compiling, relaxing tests that are AC_TRY_RUN()
for some oddball legacy Unix system to an AC_LINK_IF_ELSE()
is generally going to be fine.

Anyways, I spent a ton of work on cross-compiling prior to
2.2.0, so if you haven't tried cross-compiling since then,
I'd advise trying it and/or reading the source code.


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