atk problems

I have this problem with a leak in nautilus. It seems like a bug in Atk.

In nautilus-icon-container.c:start_rubberbanding() we do:
        accessible = atk_gobject_accessible_for_object
                (G_OBJECT (band_info->selection_rectangle));
	atk_object_set_name (accessible, "selection");
	atk_object_set_description (accessible, _("The selection rectangle"));

And then later we destroy the selection_rectangle object, but it seems the 
accessible object is leaked. Looking at the atkgobjectaccessible code it 
seems like its supposed to add a weak ref on the object and free the 
accessible when the object dies. 

However, it seems that atk_gobject_accessible_for_object() doesn't even 
create a AtkGObjectAccessible, but a AtkNoOpObject, and the accessible is 
never freed.

I don't understand how AtkGObjectAccessible is supposed to work, but it 
seems to me that its not working at all.

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's a scrappy gay matador with no name. She's a foxy winged hooker from a 
different time and place. They fight crime! 

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