Re: Accessing the accel_path of widgets

Emmanual says:

> In the context of an IDE we are developing, we would like to have a
> window that summarizes all key bindings, including the menu shortcuts.
> This window should allow the user to easily modify all of those.
> One of the difficulties we have is that there doesn't seem to be a
> function to get the accel_path that was set for a menu_item.
> _gtk_widget_get_accel_path is not a public function, and thus shouldn't
> be used by applications, even if on linux libtool authorizes this. It
> doesn't work on Solaris for instance.

FYI you could use the ATK interfaces to get this information; objects
with keybindings should export the AtkAction API, which includes

atk_action_get_keybinding (atkaction, i)

where i is one of n = atk_action_get_n_actions (atkaction) possible
actions.  The keybinding string actually includes several pieces of
information - delimited by semicolons, it gives you not only mnemonics
but also shortcuts, and for items that aren't yet active it can give a
sequence of keystrokes that will invoke the action, for instance for
gnome-terminal's Close Window menu-item it reports:


which means, when active (posted) the keybinding is just "c", otherwise
"<Alt>fc" will invoke the command (when the enclosing toplevel is
active), and the shortcut is "control-q".

This may be useful to you...


- Bill

> Is there any reason why this function isn't public ?
> regards,
> Emmanuel
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