Re: status icon API

On Thu, 2003-04-10 at 20:10, Bill Haneman wrote:
> Hi Mark:
> I will reply when I get back Monday.
> But we can't wait until gnome-2.6 or 2.8 to get this right, in the sense
> that we need to make sure icons in the meantime can be made to theme
> properly *and* have names.  Just saying 'create an anonymous icon from
> this pixmap file' is not a tractable API for accessibility, it requires
> app developers to make additional and seemingly-unrelated API calls in
> order to do what should really be automatic to icon creation.
> and yes, themes should override pixmap contents, that's how it works
> with the gtk+ builtin icons :-)

>From my perspective:
 * There must be a plain GdkPixbuf * based API, because if
   nothing else, people will want to be be able to draw
   icons on the fly. 

 * I'm pretty positive named icon themes (What GnomeIconTheme wraps,
   not stock icons) will be in 2.4. Because I really need them
   for the file selector, and because we need a better way of 
   making GTK+ stock icons follow the icon theme.

While GTK+ is meant to be a accessiblity-friendly toolkit,
we won't remove useful API because it could possibly be used
in non-accessible ways.


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