Re: gtk-canvas trouble in stacking order !

On Thu, 2002-01-17 at 19:33, Jean-Francois LECOMTE wrote:
> Hi there,
> i use a gtk-canvas version, not the gnome-canvas implementation and i
> observe the following trouble.
> In my gtk_canvas_group i put some object in following order
> 1) rectangle1
> 2) rectangle2
> 3) widget1
> 4) rectangle3
> 5) widget2
> 6) rectangle4
> When i make a redraw, i always observe widget items at the top.
> Stacking order isn't respected. 

That's correct. The widgets are handled as child widgets of the canvas
(GtkLayout actually). If you create a CanvasWidget, a gtk_layout_put()
is done, which adds the widget to the layout's list of children. So if
the canvas is rendered, the canvas' background (=layout object) is drawn
first (which contains your rectangles) and after that the layouts
children are drawn (the widgets).

> I'm unable to push widgets item to the bottom !
> Did someone notices this pb, and is there any solution to solve this !

Maybe you can create a GtkCanvasWidget class that draws itself to an
invisible window or to a pixmap or something... The only way (in my
opinion) is to create a pixmap of the widget and draw that on the
GtkLayout. But I might be completely wrong...



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