Re: Changing the look of the GtkTreeView

> With TreeView all that kind of stuff is a function of the theme or a
> function of other user configuration.

Assuming that the theme machinery provides a way to do it, and this way
isn't too complicated, that's fine with me. I'd still like to
have some pointers on how to make the changes I've escribed.

> Having half the apps one way and half a different way is plainly
> inferior to having either of the ways deployed consistently, no matter
> which way you think is best.

That's a reasoning which applies to complete environment such as Gnome,
not necessarily to stand alone Gtk+ applications.

> If you don't like the default way the right thing is to change your
> theme to one you like, or if the feature isn't themeable change GTK so
> that it is.

Right, but sounds like I'm missing some pointers and documentation to even
guess as to where to start. Also sounds like you're saying there's
significant development involved to do what I'm asking, which sounds
wrong to me.


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