Re: broken accelerator changes

Owen Taylor wrote:
> Tim Janik <timj gtk org> writes:
> > hi.
> > 
> > the following change broke accelerator installation (again):
> >         * gtk/gtkmenu.c: fix figuring accel path and changing behaviour.
> > 
> > by setting the default to TRUE.
> This wasn't accidental. I thought long and hard about whether to revert
> you change to what I had checked in here, and decided my two options were:
> You think that the average user is going to make the leap from:
>  - I can't type 'n' in XChat
> To:
>  - I need to open up my menus, find the one that I accidentally changed
>    to have 'n' as the accelerator, and while holding the menu open,
>    press backspace over it.

How about going back to the early 1.3 series behaviour, where you could
set any key, but had to hold the mouse button down over the item while you
pressed the key?

Or, have right-clicking on a menu item display a 'Press a key' box (some
people might have trouble holding the button down and pressing a
key-combo). Of course, there should be a way to do this from the keyboard,

- Having the message box makes it very obvious what's happening.

- Requiring the user to do something stops accidental setting of keys.

- Consistancy between desktops.

After setting the key, the menu should remain open (allowing me to set up
all my favourite keys in one go).

The current system isn't too bad for us (ROX-Session acts as a settings
manager and will simply set the feature on by default), but I don't like
the new instructions on setting key bindings in the ROX-Filer Options

	"... except that Gtk+-2.0 users may find this doesn't work. In
	this case, you need to find your XSettings manager (eg,
	ROX-Session, or some other program) and configure this setting on.
	If you don't have an XSettings manager, you'll need to get one,
	and have it running all the time."

Thomas Leonard
tal00r ecs soton ac uk		tal197 users sourceforge net

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