Owen wrote:

> Discovered a problem with the GTK_RC_FILES environment variable.
> This same variable was used in GTK+-1.2, and KDE (at my recommendation)
> to customize the GTK+ look inside KDE sets it to somethign like:
>  /etc/gtk/gtkrc:/home/otaylor/.gtkrc:/home/otaylor/.gtkrc-2.0
> But ~/.gtkrc typically contains things like references to GTK+-1.2
> themes.
> So, unless anybody has a better idea, I'm going to make GTK+-2.0
> read GTK2_RC_FILES instead.


I know Sun ARC-type folks frown on versioning in filenames and
in environment names.  Why can't we add a versioning property to
the RC file instead, which would work OK for GTK+-2.X (since it 
could ignore unversioned RC files versioned < 2.0 or unversioned) and
us some flexibility going forward... ?


> Regards,
>                                         Owen

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