Re: u/int64 support for glib, status?

On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 12:06:16AM +0200, Tim Janik wrote:
> 1) what should the name be? G_TYPE_INT64 might be a bad choice, what's
>    going to happen for the first 128bit cpu? does it come with long long long,
>    or will the compiler people simply resize long long integer to 128bit?
>    so i'd lean towards something like G_TYPE_BIGUINT and guarantee that
>    it's >= 64bit. though the name is a bit silly ;)

Agreed, the type name should not contain a bit count.  After all,
none of the other fundemental type names contain a bit count.

signed   unsigned
-------- ----------
quad     uquad         unintuitive (implies a single is 16 bits)
bigint   biguint       fine, but strange to have 'u' in the middle
bigint   ubigint       fine
llong    ullong        fine -- similar to <limits.h> defines

Any others?

Victory to the Divine Mother!!

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