On Thu, Nov 08, 2001 at 08:40:17PM -0500, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> Joel Becker <jlbec evilplan org> writes:
> > 	Would it be accepted to add a stock item "EMPTY" that merely
> > provides blank text and an alpha=0 image?  The reason I ask is that I'd
> > like to get an image from the stock system that is the exact size of the
> > relevant stock class, but clear.
> You probably knew we'd ask this, but - why? ;-)

	Ok, I've got a wizard.  It has required fields and optional
fields.  I put an icon (currently GNOME_STOCK_JUMP_TO, because it
closest resembles 'required' to me) in the left column next to required
fields.  In the examples, the 'o' on the left column represents the
'required' icon.

| Enter your name:                                             |
|                                                              |
| o Last Name               ________________________________   |
| o First Name              ________________________________   |
|   Nickname                ________________________________   |

	I'm using a GTKTable for the toplevel layout, and sure enough,
the field names and entry widgets line up.  In addition, the column with
the 'required' icon is as wide as the icon, and no wider.  Rows w/o an
icon are properly justified.  However, if I have a wizard page with all
optional fields...

| Enter your user info:                                        |
|                                                              |
| Username                  ________________________________   |
| Password                  ________________________________   |
| Password again            ________________________________   |

	Note that as there is nothing in the leftmost column, there is
no size request there, and the field names shift to the left some number
of pixels.
	Why is this bad?  Because it looks really sloppy as you go from
page to page of the wizard.  If I had a clear stock icon the size of the
'required' icon, I could fill the left column with those, and the
justification works out right.
	And no, guessing "how many spaces in a label" isn't the answer



Life's Little Instruction Book #139

	"Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have."
			jlbec evilplan org

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