Re: colorsel keynav

On 23 Mar 2001, Havoc Pennington wrote:

> Hi,
>  - there's some bug in mnemonics exposed by the colorsel,
>    will be visible once I commit, if you do Alt+G to
>    jump to green, then try Alt+B to go to blue, it doesn't work.
>    But Alt+B initially works.

This is not really a "bug". The reason this happens is that when you press
Alt+G the green GtkEntry is focused. Then you press Alt+B, which gets
swallowed by the GtkEntry meaning move one word back. Since widget
keybindngs override mnemonics this means the blue entry isn't focused.

The following widgets currently have default Alt+xx keybindings that can
collide with mnemonics:

GtkEntry, GtkText and GtkTextView:
 Alt+b - word backwards
 Alt+f - word forward
 Alt+d - delete word from cursor
 Alt+\ - Delete whitespace

 Alt+n - next row
 Alt+p - previous row

The solution would be to not use any of these mnemonic keys when you have
such widgets in your window. This gets worse if you have custom
keybindings of course...

/ Alex

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