Re: GParamSpec

Chema Celorio <chema ximian com> writes:

> I restarted work on glade2 (already on the GNOME CVS) and i am starting
> to query gtk to get the widget parameters. You asked me in GUADEC to let
> you know about problems i have with it and not add that info in glade2
> and try to add it inside gtk. So here are the first two problems i've
> encountered.
> - I need to change the name of the paramters, gtk gives me for example
> "type" (for type of window) I need to have "Type" in the editor. For the
> enum values it returns "popup" and "toplevel", I need "Popup" and
> "Toplevel". Another thing that we need is to be able to translate the
> parameters, so the solution can be to just have in the current xml that
> describes a widget a mapping between the name of the widget and the
> translated name. Or how did you planned to do translations ?

Each parameter has three strings associated with it:

  gchar         *name;
  gchar         *nick;
  gchar         *blurb;

 name: the name of the property "Type"
 nick: The programmatic name of the property "type"
 blurb: tooltip "

Whether for better or worse (worse being bloat and translator
fun), name and blurb are marked for translation, and when
you retrieve them from GTK+, you'll get them in translated
form. The nick is not marked for translation, should not
be translated, and would not be expected to appear in
your interface, only in the glade file.

> - Another thing that i bumped into last night (and this was the first
> time I started using the ParamSpec) is that i could not get the default
> value for an Enum spec.

Why not?

struct _GParamSpecEnum
  GParamSpec    parent_instance;
  GEnumClass   *enum_class;
  glong         default_value;


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