Re: scrolled window design

On Fri, Feb 09, 2001 at 09:53:03PM -0500, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> Helmethead <hoshem mel comcen com au> writes:
> > gtkscrolledwindow seems designed to have a viewport child OR any
> > other scrollable child.  What is this needed for?  I don't like it
> > >:/
> > 
> Your mail doesn't present a single reason why this is a problem, btw. 

Here are two problems with scrolledwindows that I can think of right now..

Everything goes to hell when a scrolledwindow-with-viewport grandchild (or lower) changes size and the scrolled window has POLICY_NEVER scrollbars
With any kind of scrollbar, if a child larger than the scrolledwindow requests a size smaller than the scrolled window, it's allocation stays the same

These are the things I am misguidedly trying to fix..

> But, the reason: because you may not want to scroll the entire widget,
> just part of it. Try putting a CList in a viewport, put that in a
> scrolled window, and note the problem.

A point indeed, thankyou.

> If you are going to get rid of something for API cleanliness, viewport
> is the thing to go - conceptually there's a GtkScrollable interface,
> and Viewport is just a hack to allow you to avoid implementing it.

ah, now I get it

> Insisting on that API cleanliness would just be pedantic and make the
> thing hard to use.

never my intent

I have seen much light since my first post. I will go back to hatching schemes

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