a couple of small bugs

I just put patches for two small gtk+ bugs in bugzilla:

The first fixes a bug with the positioning of the children in GtkToolbar
widgets.  The size_allocate routine uses twice as much padding to the left
of the children (top for vertical toolbars), making the last child flush
against the edge of the toolbar which makes it overwrite the bevel.

The second makes the GtkAccelLabel refetch its accelerator when
gtk_accel_label_set_accel_object() is called.  Without this, the accel
label won't show the correct results until an add-accelerator or
remove-accelerator signal is emitted on the watched object.

Both patches are fairly obvious and don't affect the API.  Okay to commit?


Email: james daa com au
WWW:   http://www.daa.com.au/~james/

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