Re: gettext implementation for glib

Am 05 Aug 2001 12:00:15 -0400 schrieb Alex Larsson:

> >  I'd also welcome a gettext compatible replacement (in the sense
> >  of being catalog compatible) that
> >  a) works like expected without any randomness
> Eh? Is glibc gettext random? how?

It is random in the sense that it sometimes works and other times
doesn't. Just yesterday I discovered a new problem with gettext
and Umlauts in UTF-8 locales. Also the implementation works not the
way the documentation says (said?) it should.

> >  b) is local to an application and not global to the system wrt
> >     the loaded data
> I don't really understand this.

gettext in glibc is global to all applications, that means that all
programs using it utilize the same data in memory for the translation
lookup which is really bad.


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