Re: Gnome/Gtk and thread safety

On Wed, Oct 18, 2000 at 10:21:43AM +0200, Arnaud Masson wrote:
> I have seen sample code in BeOS where you have to lock/unlock a window to
> do simple operation on it... not very nice.

Actually, the thread stuff in BeOS is pretty nice.  Every toplevel
window runs in it's own thread.  If you want to do operations on
that window from outside that thread, you have to do some locking.  
Doing that might have it's uses, but is not the common case on BeOS 
anyway.  It makes more sense to construct and throw around BMessages 
telling the window thread what it should do.  This allows very nice 
thread programming with very little effort keeping track of locks 

Actually, our BeOS port of GDK would have multiple events being
handled at the same time because GDK would send BMessages fast
enough to multiple windows, if I remember correctly.  


Shawn T. Amundson                       amundson eventloop com	
Research and Development      
EventLoop, Inc.               

"The assumption that the universe looks the same in every
 direction is clearly not true in reality." - Stephen Hawking

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