Re: deprecation policy

On  5 Oct, Havoc Pennington wrote:
>  - some master document should list all deprecated interfaces,
>    deprecation level, the replacement interface if any, etc.
>    the GTK+ FAQ should point to the document, the release notes
>    should list changes to it.

 This is very very VERY important (have I mentioned its IMPORTANCE,
 yet?). There should be a big file in CVS and distributions called
 DEPRECATED which contains the following:
 - First version where an interface was marked deprecated
 - First version where stuff was removed at all
 - Reasoning behind that
 - Alternatives for the hacker (lettting a programmer search for alternatives
   is not a wise idea IMHO, thus this should be simplified as much as possible)

 After all this is a very good idea because it'll make applications less
 buggy, Gtk+ less bloaty (not it's not really bloated) and the code more
 simple and easier to maintain.


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