GdkGC has some weird types


while working on the Gtk binding for Haskell I think I came up with the
following inconsistencies (but maybe I just didn't get it):

gdk_gc_new : The pixel members of GdkGC.foreground and GdkGC.background
are set to 0 and 1 from Xlib. These colors are totally meaningless and
the red, green and blue members are unset. This should be mentioned in the

gdk_gc_get_values: The field clip_mask is always null since Gtk cannot
distinguish between a clipping region, rectangle or mask. This should be
fixed or at least documented.

gdk_gc_set_stipple: The second argument should be a GdkBitmap* instead of
GdkPixmap*. Though it is the same, it makes the difference between a
stipple and a tile a little more obvious. (source + docs)

gdk_gc_set_exposures: The second argument should be a gboolean. (docu)

Besides, it was very hard for me to figure out what the differences
between tile, stipple and clip is and I am still not sure weather tiles
are repeated in x and y direction or not. A little section in the
documentation would help.


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