gtk-pango heads up.

Just as a heads up, I'm about ready to land the gtk-pango branch of
GTK+; I'll be doing that tonight or tomorrow morning.

For the masochistic, the complete 45,000 line diff I have now is at:

(The size of this is partially due to a) the addition of the new text
widget, and b) several large tables of Unicode <=> xkeysym and 
compose keys.)

Before the commit, I'll tag the tree with GTK_PRE_PANGO.

The immediate effects of this will be:

 - All ports will break until people get minimal Pango implementations
   up and running for their font systems. (This is probably approximately
   one days work.)

 - libunicode, fribidi, and pango will be added as dependencies to
   GTK+. (See for links as to
   where to get these). I plan to eventually merge the relevant
   parts of libunicode into GLib.

 - The GTK+ .po files will no longer work, since their encoding is
   not correct. They will needed to be converted to UTF-8.
   (The glibc iconv utility should make this pretty easy.)

I've left the style->font field and the GdkFont routines in for
compatibility and ease of transition, but these are no longer the 
primary way to draw text in GTK+. 


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