Re: normal buttons don't get down when pressed with SPACE or ENTER

On Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 10:32:14PM -0500, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> That's because they aren't pressed or released, because
> pressed/released means a mouse button was pressed/released (I think
> these two signals are useless and just confuse people, myself - maybe
> if you want something to happen while the button is held down, is the
> only use for them I can think of, and you can't hold a button down
> with the keyboard).

	I'd say that the first reason is to duplicate X's events
(ButtonPress and ButtonRelease).  But I can't see how you do a "drag"
w/o button press/release events.  PointerMotion means nothing unless
you've gotten an ButtonPress; then you are dragging.
	Granted not every widget needs dragging, but you have to provide the
framework so some can.
	Maybe I'm way off on how dragging works.  If so, I welcome



Life's Little Instruction Book #157 

	"Take time to smell the roses."


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