Re: gnome_win_hints_init()

Felix Bellaby <> writes:

> Seems reasonable to me.
> However, the Xlib property API is incredibly messy. I have been over 
> the gnome-winhints.c file and introduced the suggested function along 
> with a good deal more gdk in order to make the code simple enough to 
> see the wood for the trees. This revealed about half a dozen bugs.
> I will commit when tested.

Yeah, it is pretty messy. But gdk_property_get() unfortunately
isn't that much better. So (when writing code in GDK) 
I mostly stick to the X calls because at least their behavior
is very carefully defined.

Now, if the GDK API was as simple as, say:

 gboolean gdk_property_get (GdkWindow *window,
                            GdkAtom    property,
                            GdkAtom   *type,
                            gint      *format,
                            gint      *length,
                            guchar   **data);
 void gdk_property_set     (GdkWindow *window,
                            GdkAtom    property,
                            GdkAtom    type,
                            gint       format,
                            gint       length,
                            guchar    *data);

Then it might be worth using. At some point, it might
be worth adding an alternate nice interface like 
that. Though property manipulation is a pretty 
low-level thing, anyways...


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