Re: GTK+ 2.0/3.0 Windows runtimes


I am maintaining several gtk2 applications for windows that I'm cross
compiling from Linux. I'm using Fedora for the cross compilation and the
way I'm working is as follows:

   - Install the necessary mingw64 packages through dnf
   - Install mingw32-nsis for the generation of a windows Installer for
   your application on Linux.

Compile with the cross compilation environment of your choice. E.g. you can
use automake through the script mingw64-configure . Personally I'm using
scons where I manually set up all the compilation and linkage environments,

For an example see my image viewer giv at .

Regarding gtk3 and gtk2, nobody is removing gtk2 for the foreseeable
future, and you can continue using it as long as you see fit. One of the
"big" cross platform gtk applications, inkscape, is still using gtk2. On
the other hand if you want the new functionality of gtk3, go ahead and
port, and you can cross compile for Windows in the same method.


On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 10:26 AM John Mills <johnmi effect net au> wrote:

Hello list

If this question should be raised on another list, please let me know.

I have been developing a C-language GTK+ 2.0 application for MS Windows 10
using mingw
cross-compilation on Linux, and deploying it by installing the Windows
GTK+ 2.0 runtime
bundle on the Windows machine.

The procedure was: on Linux development machine, unzip the gtk Windows
bundle in a directory
with the C source, set up a Makefile with the appropriate CFLAGS and
LDFLAGS, 'make mingw'
and deploy the EXE. This procedure suited my development style.

Do I now need to port to GTK+ 3?
Is MSYS2 now the best/only way to deploy the dependencies to Windows?
Using the binaries available through MSYS2/pacman, can I still develop on
Linux and deploy
mingw executables to Windows?
Can anyone point me to a guide for doing that?

Thank you
John Mills
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
gtk-app-devel-list gnome org

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