Re: GtkRevealer glitches the text view drawing

On Fri, May 04, 2018 at 09:25:44AM -0000, pspgen mail bg wrote:
During the development of my program I came across one drawing glitch that
I was unable to solve. I am using GtkRevealer to show and hide a GtkInfoBar
above another box holding a scrolled window with a GtkTextView (actually
GtkSourceView) a lot like it is in gedit. The whole thing is packed in a

When I hide the infobar through the revealer, a black area in the text view
appears and it disappears when a redrawing of the widget must occur (for
instance when I click on the text view to place the cursor) Additionally,
this glitch does not appear if I enlarge the default resolution of the
window, which for compatibility reasons is 640x480. I understand that this
may be hard to reproduce, but I am unaware who encountered the same
problem. He maybe knows a workaround to this issue. Also any idea is
welcome. I will draw exactly how the glitch looks on gedit (although it
doesn't happen in gedit or it does but I cannot hit the correct

I've often seen this bug in Polari, which also uses GtkTextView.
Usually it happened while I was resizing the window.  Sometimes it would
happen when new IRC messages were appearing.

I've checked briefly but
couldn't find an existing bug, so perhaps nobody has reported it

(I don't have the energy to report it today, especially since I don't
have a reliable procedure of reproducing it.)

Marius Gedminas
Lutetium is the heaviest and hardest of the rare earth metals, and is used in
the production of umlauts and other fraktur font features.
        -- Charles Stross

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