Re: Get the default font in Gtk3


[get the Gtk font type and size]

No, you seriously don't.
Unless you want to do something fancy, all you need to do would be (in
   "draw" handler):

Well, that's the point: I want to do "something fancy". That's the
problem O:)

Describe your usecase then - my crystal ball is *still* out of order.
Perhaps what you think as "fancy" actually isn't.

Ops, sorry: I'm reworking a backup utility that I wrote (cronopete), and I added a timeline with the backups (you can see an screenshot at ). As you can see, at the left is the timeline and it has the days, months and years. I think those should use the same typography than the standard Gtk widgets, but reducing the size to 2/3. The same for the titles in each "pseudowindow" (they have a visual effect: they go forward and backwards when you move through the timeline).

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