Re: clear() on TreeView causes select-events

Dear Reuben,

thanks for your answer.

And after you study the MVC pattern, you will see why the whole
Treeview stack works the way it does. Google MVC and Gtk MVC. It is
worthwhile reading if you plan on constructing treeviews. It may not
make sense immediately, but eventually you may see the light like I

This is an often made misunderstanding.
Gtk (and every other GUI-lib) only implements the V (and sometimes the
C) in the MVC-Pattern. Gtk.ListStore is not a model in the meaning of
the MVC pattern!
One advantage of the MVC is that you can replace each layer/component
with another one. This is not possible when all components of the MVC
pattern are impelmented with the same lib (e.g. Gtk).

For example imagine: You want to replace the Gtk-View (Gtk.TreeCtr) with
another GUI-lib, or with a VirtualReality view or just a audio-view
(speak the content of the Tree).

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