Re: Using Gtk.Builder to create a menubar.

On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 09:46:57PM +0200, c buhtz posteo jp wrote:
Thank you very much. Your example works for me but I don't understand
why. ;)

                <attribute name='action'></attribute>

        action_bar ='bar', None)

The name of the action in the XML and the code is different. Why? What
is the system behind it?

"bar" is the name of the action.  "win" describes the action's scope.

Check out the "Action scopes" section in
and a brief discussion on "quit" vs "app.quit" in the GActionMap

Marius Gedminas
My own take on it as a writer is that I am passing my story across to Ms.
Average Reader, who works all day (or night) as a nurse in a children's cancer
hospice. She doesn't need some writer lecturing her about the human condition.
She needs someone to hand her a drink.
                -- Lois McMaster Bujold's take on grimdark fiction

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