Re: widget show() / hide() crashes application

You're likely trying to call GTK functions from different threads, which is
not allowed.

You should schedule UI updates in the main thread, using GLib.idle_add().


On 3 April 2018 at 10:28, stfl <ste lendl gmail com> wrote:

I am writing a Python 3 GStreamer Client application.
I receive fps measurments from fpsdisplaysink as a GStreamer Signal.
If the fps drops too low I dissplay an overlay over the gtksink (which is
connected to the fpsdisplaysink).

When I show() and hide() the overlayed Gtk.Box sometimes the entire
application crashes.

I noticed that this happens when showing and hiding goes too close
Also guarding it with 1.5s leads to such a crash.

After some time of trying I saw this error message which is usually not

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