Help with Gcolor3

Hi folks,

i write here, because i dont know where it may fit.

I am a user of a color-picker tool - previously Gcolor2 - that has now been adopted to Gnome3 -> Gcolor3 ->

Now while lots of linux distributions are switching to wayland as default session the color picking just dont work any more (which breaks the workflow of web and other developers) - even not in gimp afaik.

The developer of Gcolor3 has no straight idea how to fix this (and maybe some "wayland-api" is neccessary?)

Is there someone to help out the dev of this little tool to make it useable in wayland - maybe toghether with gimp as well?

Here are the issues:


I also would love to see Gcolor3 as a default color picker application, but thats another point.



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