Re: GtkFileChooser problem

Hi all,

I have done some further experimentation with regard to my GtkFileChooser problem and discovered that the piece of my code that seems to be triggering this problem is the call to gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name() -- if I remove that then I do not get the error described in my last message.

Looking closer at the documentation I see a statement that says this function should not be used when an existing file is being specified, so I will take responsibility for ignoring that warning. I have to say, however, that this seems to me to be an unacceptable restriction -- why shouldn't I be able to initialize the text entry field at the top of the dialog to a completely clear and unambiguous presentation of the default name that will be returned by the dialog? And, why does a GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_CREATE_FOLDER dialog which is supposedly designed to work with either pre-existing or yet-to-be-created filesystem objects (i) try to create something that already exists and then (ii) complain when that creation attempt fails, whether or not I call gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name() to set the text entry field?

I have noticed other inconsistent and weird behavior in the UI of this widget through my further experimentation today:

(1) When I do use gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name() to initialize the text entry field as shown in my original code, when I click the dialog's OK response button I get the error I have described. But if instead of clicking that button I activate the cursor in the text entry field and hit RETURN (without making any change to that field), everything works fine. Why is only clicking the OK button problematic?

(2) Independently of whether or not I use gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name() to initialize the text entry field to the name of a pre-existing current working directory (CWD), I have noticed that the OK response button will often be grayed out (and hence unclickable) even when the final path component of that CWD is selected in the dialog's large directory contents subwindow when the dialog is first mapped. Often I can fix this only by clicking on different directory contents subwindow objects (i.e., other subdirectories), perhaps several times, and then re-clicking on the subdirectory object which corresponds to my CWD (and which was originally selected). Only then does the OK response button get activated and become clickable.

I can appreciate that this widget may require a complicated implementation, and that in particular it may be difficult to properly correlate the text entry field with the directory contents subwindow. I have to say, however, that I think it would be worthwhile to get rid of the confusing limitations and behaviors noted above.

If there is further documentation on these issues somewhere that would help me to understand and avoid them better I would very much like to see it.


Roger Davis
Univ. of Hawaii

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