Re: g_signal_connect() and G_OBJECT

The first argument of `g_signal_connect()` is a gpointer (i.e. a
`void*`), so you don't need a cast at all — C will implicitly cast any
pointer to `void*`, and from `void*` to any other pointer.

Additionally, as you discovered, signals are GTypeInstance features —
you can emit signals on anything that inherits from GTypeInstance, not
just GObjects.

The reason why you see a cast macro is a layer of "extra security":
you can check that you're passing the object you meant to be passing,
instead of a NULL pointer or some garbage. This "extra security" is
mostly cargo-culted through tutorials, so people learn the habit and
transmit it.

Personally, I find it pointless; internal state should be checked with
`g_assert()`, and all cast macros can be compiled away with
`G_DISABLE_CAST_CHECKS`, so that buys you almost nothing.


On 30 June 2017 at 11:20, Ingo Brückl <ib wupperonline de> wrote:

it seems that it was common practice to cast the first argument of
g_signal_connect() to G_OBJECT when I started developing applications with
GTK+ quite a while ago. At least I've learned it that way and am doing it
ever since.

I repeatedly see usage of g_signal_connect() without that cast which seems
to make sense since "instance" only has to be a gpointer and will be checked

So I'm just curious. Is/was there a reason for the G_OBJECT cast? Was it
necessary back in the days (when GTK+ 2 took over from GTK+ 1)?

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