Re: Live Thumbnail of Widgets

On 20/05/17 16:27, Gerald Nunn wrote:
I'm looking for some advice on alternative solutions that would fit my
needs. In an ideal solution, the thumbnails would be updated real time
similar to the windows in gnome-shell when you go into overview mode.
However any solution that increases the rendering speed sufficiently to
permit buffered but near real-time updates would be sufficient as well.

I never done anything like this so please anyone correct me if I am
wrong, but..

Have you though about connecting to the widget's draw signal? With it
you get a cairo context which one usually draws on but I can imagine you
could just as well create a pixbuf  miniature. So, get the surface from
the cairo context with cairo_get_target, then use 
gdk_pixbuf_get_from_surface to create the pixbuf.


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