Re: gtk3 and fork/exec of non-gtk child

Op 01/14/2017 om 06:05 PM schreef Emmanuele Bassi:
However, I am still curious as to whether the fork/exec/SIGCHLDhandler model
of my existing X11/Motif app will or will not work with gtk3. This design
has worked quite well in this particular application for many years and I am
reluctant to change it unless there is a strong argument that it either (i)
no longer works as well as it did because of circumstances peculiar to gtk3
vs. X11/Motif or (ii) is likely to stop working in the near-to-medium future
given current gtk3(/4?) development direction.
If you're not calling any GTK/GDK/X11 functionality in the children,
then you don't need to do anything special after forking. This has
been true for years, and will remain true for the foreseeable future.
The only thing you have to worry about are the usual interactions
between forking and system calls like malloc, or threading primitives.

There is an example [1] under python  that demonstrates why this is a
problem quite well. Hope this helps.



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