Doubt regarding GListModel


I am a developer working on GNOME Logs and I wanted to ask a doubt
regarding GListModel

I am working on this gnome-logs bug: https://bugzilla.gnome.

Moving the sorting functionality to the model from the view is my main
motive. Currently, the items in the array represented by the model is
filled up in a descending order fashion. The model is bound to a listbox
using gtk_list_box_bind_model ()
I want to reverse the items in the array (i.e. arrange in ascending order).
So, is this possible using the g_list_model_items_changed()
without actually making any changes in the model array (i.e. keep the model
array in original descending order).

I am not able to get it from the documentation specified for
g_list_model_items_changed() on how it is possible to show the items in a
reverse order without modifying the array represented by the model. Can
someone guide me through this.


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