Re: Doubt

On 20 April 2017 at 11:03, Rúben Rodrigues <ruben_gr live com pt> wrote:
Hi guys,

i have a problem with callback functions. I have a struct in parameter but always give null values. Here is 
an example:

struct pxToggleData{
    LineChartSeries *series;
    LineChart *chart;
    GtkWidget *canvas;

xTempToggle.canvas = canvas;
xTempToggle.chart = chart;

xTempToggle.series = pxLogView_TempSensors[iProbe].series;

g_signal_connect((GObject *)pxLogView_TempSensors[iProbe].cButton, "toggled", (GCallback)series_toggled, 

Someone could help me? Why it give always xTempToggle null in series_toggled callback function?

This is kind of a basic C question.

You're passing a pointer to data placed on the stack. If xTempToggle
goes out of scope after g_signal_connect() is called, then the data
points to random garbage.

You need to either put the xTempToggle data structure in a larger
scope (e.g. global) or you need to put it on the heap, and manage the
memory allocation yourself.


[@] ebassi []

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