Wait for action activation on notification click


I am trying to create an application (running in background, no GUI) which would display a notification and 
then perform an action when the notification is clicked. My code (link below) creates a notification, 
prepares the action and then runs the main loop -- I want it to wait for the 'app.action' to receive signal 
'activate' (which should be emitted when the notification is clicked). However when I click the notification 
the action's callback set to be run on activation is not invoked and furthermore Gnome Shell freezes for few 

How to correctly wait until 'app.action' is activated (without freezing Gnome Shell when the notification is 
clicked)? What is a good way to debug this?

My code is pasted at http://paste.fedoraproject.org/261928/11074591/ I have gtk+ version 3.16.6 and gio 
version 2.44.1.

Thank you,

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