Re: TypeError in GtkWindow

On 10/09/2015 08:21 AM, Stefan Salewski wrote:
On Thu, 2015-10-08 at 22:05 -0300, Germán Racca wrote:
About "", I have followed the exact steps in the official
PyGObject tutorial:

Good to know :-)

Well, I do not know much about Python.

But the difference seems to be obviously. You have

class TitleBar:

and call

coor = Coor2MASS(self)

So for you self is not a widget at all, but it should, it is used as
parent widget!

In the Python tutorial we have

class DialogWindow(Gtk.Window):

Here self is a Gtk.Window.

Can not say you exactly how to solve your problems, but you should get
the idea. Or maybe ask in a Python list/forum when Python itself is the

Thanks for your advises! As you can see, I'm not so good when it comes to OOP...

All the best,

Germán A. Racca
Fedora Package Maintainer

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