Re: [Denemo-devel] Tooltips - what am I doing wrong?


On 19 November 2015 at 09:53, Richard Shann <richard rshann plus com> wrote:
On Wed, 2015-11-18 at 23:41 +0100, Johan Vromans wrote:
On Wed, 18 Nov 2015 18:49:52 +0000
Richard Shann <richard rshann plus com> wrote:

I've pushed a fix that turns off tooltips on menus while leaving them on
everything else (for GTK version >=3.10).
Can you test if this makes a usable interface?

It doesn't, and I fail to see why it should...
(I backported the fix to 2.0.0 but I do not think that matters.)

Not setting a tooltip on the individual menus

it is the menu *items* that have the tooltip disabled. I was imagining
the problem came when moving the cursor down the menus, that is the
browse mode. Experimenting yesterday I saw that if you don't have a
tooltip on an widget then the enclosing widget's tooltip fires, so I can
imagine there is no escape if tooltip timing is now ordained from above.

I have just looked at gimp 2.8.2 and it has the tooltips popping up
uncontrollably as you move down menus, the only saving grace is that
there aren't quite so many menu items one after the other with tooltips
as Denemo has.

If this is happening on Gimp 2.8.2, it means that the issue has
nothing to do with GTK 3.x, since Gimp 2.8.2 is still very much using
GTK 2.x — unless, obviously, the change predates the branching of GTK
2.x and 3.x, in which case punting to GTK 3.10 won't do you any good.

It may be a case of a backported patch; since it's easier to bisect on
the gtk-2-24 branch, would you be able to do so, and identify the
commit in GTK that introduced this behaviour?

Emmanuele was only able to help because I copied the email to the
gtk-app-devel-list, I'll cc this one there too, in case this might be
taken seriously as a bug in Gtk which they might be glad to get feedback
on. The version of gimp that I have does seem to be adversely impacted.

Feel free to open a bug on Bugzilla:

If you could attach a small, self-contained reproducer it would be
great. Doing a bisection on the Git repository would also be helpful.


[ ] ebassi [ gmail com]

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