Re: gtk_widget_queue_draw_area much slower in gtk3 than gtk3


On 30 March 2015 at 06:16, dmg <dmg uvic ca> wrote:

I am one of the developers of xournal. We have been trying very hard
to port from gtk2 to gtk3 (specially since gnomecanvas was abandoned).
I recently joined xournalpp which is a new rewrite of xournal, and it
is in the same boat:
trying to go from gtk2 to gtk3.

So far the functionality is there, but we have been hit by a major
problem in both apps: gtk3 is much slower rendering to the canvas than

I'm very sceptical about this conclusion…

I have tried to track this problem down, and my experiments suggest
that it is the call to


We draw a segment of a line  using cairo, but it does not get drawn
to the screen until gtk_widget_queue_draw_area is called. Which is
fine. But under gtk3
it really slows down sampling of the stylus.

… Because you're talking about events.

Motion events are compressed in GTK+; they get collected and pushed to
the application code once per frame, because you cannot obviously
paint any faster than what your display can show, and because the vast
majority of applications do not draw content in response to fine event

You have two options:

 * use the event history for the devices you're interested in
 * disable motion event compression on the GdkWindow that you're using
to detect events, and build up the positions you will then draw

Other painting applications opted for the latter solution, so you
should likely explore it first; see the API reference:


[ ] ebassi [ gmail com]

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