GtkInspector crashing, resources not loaded


I'm relatively new to GTK, and am wanting to bring up the GtkInspector
( ) to view my widget

When I press Ctrl-Shift-D, a GtkInspector instance attempts to
initialize, but fails (null pointer dereference) apparently as a consequence
of its UI resources not being loaded.

I believe the attempt to load its resources (which occurs slightly before
the actual crash) is here:

  gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (widget_class, "/org/gtk/libgtk/inspector/window.ui");

I'm wondering if those resources should normally be available?  Or whether
my code should be doing something in particular to cause them to be loaded?

Note: I'm currently building gtk+-3.16.2 from source on Windows (using the
Visual Studio projects.)  I wonder if perhaps some part of the build process
that would normally cause those resources to be built, isn't occurring.

One thing that has puzzled me so far is that the 3.14.4 tarball contains
the following file:


However, that file seems to be missing from the 3.16.2 tarball.

In any case, I'd very much like to get the GtkInspector working, so any
tips/pointers in that direction would be much appreciated.



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