GtkTreeView - Conflict between one click editing and selection


i am working on an application which uses GtkTreeView. I tried to start editing the cells with one click by 
setting the focus of the cell in the row-activated callback like this:

static void
on_row_activated (GtkTreeView *treeview,
                  GtkTreePath *path,
                  GtkTreeViewColumn *column,
                  PsppireVarSheet *var_sheet)
    gtk_tree_view_set_cursor (treeview, path, column, TRUE);

However, this interferes with the selection process because the row-activated is signalled which will start 
the editing mode when I start the rubber band. Is there a way to start editing in a spreadsheet like way with 
just one click without interfering with the selection process? A video of the application without single 
click as mentioned above is here:


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