Re: "Can't link to Pango"


On 13 February 2014 17:37, Bric <bric flight us> wrote:

I did the above workaround, successfully, and got past my pango snag....

Then ./configure complained about not having atk-bridge; i went down that
chain of dependencies, with at-spi2-core, etc., (some of the latest git
failed to "make"; i used version releases), and made gtk+ ./configure happy.
But gtk+ make is now failing — HANGING (not exiting!) on an error:
(glib-compile-resources:6887): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **:
/build/buildd/glib2.0-2.24.1/gobject/gtype.c:2706: You forgot to call
you're building against a far too old version of GLib. check your
LD_LIBRARY_PATH, because it seems the configure script is catching a
version of GLib recent enough to satisfy the dependency check, but the
linker is trying to use the system version of GLib.

This is a never ending battle, this gtk+ on my Ubuntu 10.10, with the
sprawling tree and extensive chains of dependencies, each of which is not
yielding easily (!!!) — battling over 48 hours now...
you're trying to build a very recent version of a complex library on a
4 years old distribution: issues are to be expected, as well as some
pain in rebuilding the entire stack.

why are you targeting such an old platform?



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