Re: Label with fixed size

Well, thats a philosophie of Gtk; it's kind of a space optimization, since fixed
layouts often suffer from some problems, especially on smaller devices, etc. . I
guess a real Gtk philosopher could explain it much better and much more
advertising. However, to solve your problem, we have to know, what your problem
is about having the Fixed widget taking as much space as possible. The Gtk
Philosophie is not always beautiful, but there are many different Gtk
containers, thought for many possible designs.

Sunny days,


On 18:06 Fri 29 Aug     , rastersoft wrote:

Well, it *nearly* worked: the label is cut as expected, but the fixed itself
gets expanded, so I end with a Gtk.Fixed as big as would be the label "as
is", with a cut label inside...

Is it possible to also avoid the Gtk.Fixed to be resized?

El 29/08/14 a las #4, Stefan Salewski escribió:
On Thu, 2014-08-28 at 18:14 +0200, rastersoft wrote:
Hi all:

I need to create a label with a fixed size in pixels, and if the text is
too large, elipsize it. Is it possible? I tried nearly all kind of ways
and tricks (even capturing the size-allocate signal and adjust there the
maximum-character property until the size is fine), but can't get it.


When you REALLY need this, you may try the GTK Fixed container.
It allows to position widgets at absolute positions, and at the same
time, it prevents widgets from expanding itself.

Try the Ruby code below -- for me it always displays "Not a..." even
when I resize the main window. Of course you may read the documentation
of the Fixed container.

require 'gtk3'

window =
window.border_width = 10
window.set_default_size(80, -1)

window.signal_connect("destroy") {Gtk.main_quit}

f =
l ='Not a long text')
l.set_size_request(50, -1)
l.ellipsize = Pango::ELLIPSIZE_END

#f.put(l, 0, 0)



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                       RASTER    (Linux user #228804)
raster rastersoft com    

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