Re: Need help with gtk_tree_view_set_cursor

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 7:53 AM, aullidolunar gmail com
<aullidolunar gmail com> wrote:
The strings "0" to "9" are displayed as expected on the treeview. The idea
is if I hit GDK_KEY_Up (since there's no upper level) should select the
last one; my function moveItemUP, does work in someway, because instead of
selecting the string "9", it selects the string "8".....any ideas...?

I'm attaching my sandbox project

A few points. Firstly, your attachment(s) didn't arrive; it's
generally not a good idea to try to post attachments to mailing lists,
as they're often stripped, and if they're not, they get forcibly sent
out to a potentially large number of people. If your code's not too
long, you could include all of it in-line; otherwise, a link to Github
or Bitbucket or somesuch is probably the easiest.

Second, your indentation has been eaten by Gmail. This happens,
unfortunately - the input box finds tabs delicious. You'll want to
replace them with spaces (probably four is enough, but go with eight
if there's any chance that you've mixed tabs and spaces - which is a
bad idea, though, so don't mix them!) before posting.

Third: You'll often find that it's easier to figure out what's going
on if you write your code in Python or Pike rather than C. C forces
you to do a whole lot of rigmarole that higher-level languages don't
require. For comparison, here's a Pike version of your fifty-line

// display 0-9 in the list
int addItems(GTK2.ListStore model) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        model->set_value(model->append(), 0, (string)i);
    return 10;

// grab the number of items
dat->totalItems = addItems(listStore);

void moveItemUP(mapping dat) {
    GTK2.TreePath path=dat->tv->get_cursor()->path;
    GTK2.TreePath prev=path->prev();
    if (!prev) {
        GTK2.TreeIter iter=dat->model->iter_nth_child(0, dat->totalItems-1);

// callback
int keypress(GTK2.Widget self, object event, mapping data) {
    switch (event->keyval) {
        case 0xFF52: moveItemUP(data); break; //GDK_KEY_Up
        case 0xFF54: moveItemDown(data); break; //GDK_KEY_Down
        case 0xFF57: break; //GDK_KEY_End
        default: break;
    return 0

About half the length of code, mainly because I don't have to release
resources :) Equivalent Python code would be of comparable length, but
would look a lot more different.

Finally: Your actual problem seems to be that, after your signal
handler (I don't see where you connect to that signal, so I don't know
whether you connected before or after), the normal handling still
happens. You'll need to return TRUE from your handler if you replace
the normal behaviour. (Which means your keypress has to pass through a
return value from moveItemUP.) I could see what was going on rather
more easily once I shortened the code into the Pike version. :)


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