GTK+3 styles and themes


in some situations, it's very useful to colorize some widgets, to improve
usability, e.g. a red background for invalid entries or buttons in different
colors. I know that this should be used rarely, but it *really* improves
usability in some cases.

In GTK+2, this was possible via modify_bg();
GTK+3 offers override_background_color() and CSS.
This works well on systems without themes.

But unfortunately, some system-themes seem to *completely* override *all*
these settings; no matter if I use override_background_color(), GtkCssProvider,
a high or low GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY or a ~/.gtk-3.0.css-file --
especially Gnome3 and the Adwaita-theme of Xfce4 ignore *all these*!

So, is there *any* way to set widget-colors, so that the theme cannot
override them?

And is it a bug in GTK+3 or Gnome3/Xfce4, that ~/.gtk-3.0.css and all custom
GtkCssProviders are completely ignored?


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