GTK+3 motion events and is_hint

(Like in idiot I sent the first version of this to the wrong list!)

Hi, I'm new to GTK (and Vala). This is a Gtk+3.x question.

Can anyone explain why the event->is_hint always seems to return 1?
AFAICT the HINT_MASK is supposed to reduce the number of motion events *and* send the occasional is_hint==true too.


I include a small vala sample at end. The motion_notify_event handler never gets the chance to follow the else. i.e.

Am I grokking this wrong, or making a stupid mistake or .. other?

//valac --pkg gtk+-3.0 appname.vala

using Cairo;

namespace Demo {

public class Scribble : Gtk.DrawingArea {

  public Scribble () {
this.add_events ( Gdk.EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK );
    this.set_size_request (100,100);

  private void draw_circ ( Cairo.Context cr ) {
      var y = get_allocated_height () / 2;
var radius = double.min (get_allocated_width () / 2, get_allocated_height () / 2) - 5;
      cr.arc (y, y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
      cr.set_source_rgb (1, 1, 1);
      cr.fill_preserve ();
      cr.set_source_rgb (0, 0, 0);
      cr.stroke ();

  public override bool draw ( Cairo.Context cr ) {
      this.draw_circ ( cr);
      return false;

  public override bool motion_notify_event (Gdk.EventMotion event ) {
    //Seems event.is_hint is *always* 1
    //stdout.printf ( "is_hint: %d\n", event.is_hint );

    if (event.is_hint == 1) {
      stdout.printf ( "is hint\n" );
      Gdk.Event.request_motions(event); //Always 1, so what's the point?
    } else {
      //Never gets here. Why?
      stdout.printf ( "normal motion at: %G, %G\n", event.x, event.y );
    return true; //false does not change anything either.


int main ( string[] args ) {
  Gtk.init ( ref args );
  var window = new Gtk.Window ();
  var scribble = new Demo.Scribble ();

  window.add (scribble);
  window.show_all ();
  window.destroy.connect (Gtk.main_quit);

  Gtk.main ();

  return 0;


PS - I have since asked this on Stackoverflow.
The url is:


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