Re: Invisible GtkImage

Just to make sure you checked the small things...

Did you try AspectFrame? IIRC that's exactly what it does: keeps the
ratio of the contained widget. IIRC, the Gnome Mines game (aka
minesweeper) uses this kind of container to keep the minefield view
square-shaped even when the window is stretched to different directions.
It fills the space, but without losing the ratio.

On ה', 2013-06-13 at 18:09 -0700, Kip Warner wrote:
Hey list,

I am attempting to create a GtkImage that resizes to fill its parent
container while maintaining its aspect ratio. I do this by subclassing
GtkImage and overriding do_size_allocate().


The code mostly works in that I can see that the area the widget is
taking appears to be the correct size as I resize its parent. However,
the actual image pixels do not appear to be painted.

Any help appreciated,

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