Re: Invisible GtkImage

On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 5:20 PM, Kip Warner <kip thevertigo com> wrote:
I have three concerns. The first is that sometimes the incoming
allocation has some very strange width and height values in it, but are
usually valid the rest of the time. Sometimes I see values like
width of -408563232 and height of 32767.
That's unusual. Quick testing of my own image resizing does not seem
to have that occur. If you're sure that your requests are always
absolutely sane, you might want to put together a small test case as
it could indicate a pygtk bug, or maybe a gtk+ bug.

My second concern is that when the assistant window is resized to be
made larger horizontally, the image grows, as it should, but the bottom
of the assistant page with the usual assistant buttons (e.g. Cancel,
Continue) get clipped some how.
Is your TextView set to have a minimum height?

My final concern is I'm worried about the introspection system's error
control on handling bad return signatures the way it did here. Since
the introspection data knows that the method should have provided two
out parameters, you'd think it would have caught this more gracefully
with an exception than a core dump? But I guess that's probably nothing
you or I can do about that right now.
I suspect it has more to do with Python's dynamic typing. But you
might raise the issue with the pygtk folks [1].


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