Re: UUID Library for Gnome apps

I don't use Ubuntu and I don't know which library it actually is.
Anyway, clearly some people use one while some use the other. What I'm
looking for is system-wide recommendation or advice.

On Fedora, there's libuuid which comes with the Linux kernel IIRC and my
whole desktop depends on it. And there's uuid and uuid++ provided by
OSSP, which weren't installed at all, which means no package uses them.


On ×”', 2013-05-30 at 21:25 +0200, Vivien Malerba wrote:

I use the libuuid library (uuid-dev and uuid-runtime packages under



On 30 May 2013 07:37, אנטולי קרסנר <tombackton gmail com> wrote:
        Hello list,
        I'm writing a desktop app using Gnome technologies and I want
        to use
        UUIDs as means of generating URIs for resources.
        I found two UUID libraries: One is part of e2fsprogs, and the
        other one
        is provided by OSSP and has a C++ binding (perfect for me
        because I
        write in C++).
        I don't mind using a C library, but I'm not sure which UUID
        library is
        better for my app. The first one I mentioned, my whole system
        depends on
        it. And it's part of the Linux kernel. So I'm wondering, does
        using it
        create a dependency on Linux?
        And what is the recommended UUID to use? I see two options and
        I don't
        know how to choose. Choosing randomly would just create
        if each module "just chooses" one of them.
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