why the menu item Options/"SetVoice" won't exit


        I'm clueless here.  in my test voice.c, my widget based on
        gespeaker works fine.  I can change the voice from  Male to Female,
        change the pitch, Speed [WPM], Volume, etc.  when I press the
        "Close" button, voice.c fprintf's the changes to the setVoice
        file, and closes nice and clean.  when I insert this same code into
        my voice-by-computer program, if the user opens Options/SetVoice
        option to [[ let's say ]] change the gender from Male to Female,
        then presses "Close," the callback hangs.  

        Any ideas what I need to add to the Xoptions() function?  it is
        just a modified main() from voice.c:

        Xoptions (int argc, char *argv[])

        which has the dialog settings thus::

  dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons ("Voice Settings", GTK_WINDOW (parent_window),
    GTK_STOCK_REVERT_TO_SAVED,  //revert button which
    GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL,        //  returns a cancel response
    GTK_STOCK_CLOSE,            //close button which
    GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT,        //  returns an accept response
    NULL                        // mark the end of our buttons (we could
have more)

        In the GtkItemsFactoryEntry menu_items[], icall Xoptions() like so:

        {"/Options/SetVoice", NULL, Xoptions, 0, NULL},

        I do not understand why, in the test widget, yes, using main(),
        it reads in the default settings and if the slider or the radio
        buttons are changed, voice.c correctly rewrites the setVoice file.
        but when I insert this code into my vouvebycomputer
        gnu-accessibility program, things hang when I hit "Close" [[or


        this is my program's "last bug"!

        gary kline

 Gary Kline  kline thought org  http://www.thought.org  Public Service Unix
              Twenty-six years of service to the Unix community.

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